Does Scoliosis Make You Shorter?


Posted Jan 23, 2023

Reads 54

Content female customer with long curly hair wearing casual outfit sitting at wooden table with netbook in classic interior restaurant while making online order
Credit:, Content female customer with long curly hair wearing casual outfit sitting at wooden table with netbook in classic interior restaurant while making online order

The age-old question, “does scoliosis make you shorter?” is one that researchers have been actively studying and attempting to answer for years. Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves away from its normal line and can be more visible in some cases than in others. This curvature can cause a person to appear shorter if they have an advanced form of scoliosis. However, in most cases, the condition does not directly lead to height loss as the curvature on its own does not cause the body to lose any noticeable amount of height.

To understand why it may seem like people with scoliosis are appearing significantly shorter, we must look a bit closer at how this condition effects bodily movement and skeletal alignment. If a person has developed an extreme curve in their spine due to scoliosis then their shoulder will be close to their ear on either side of their body, causing the head and chest area to tilt and flex forward. This type of forward lean causes certain muscles, mainly those in the lower back and abdomen area, to become very tight leading to structural dysfunction throughout the spine. As this happens, it can cause additional pressure on the spine that can result in subtle changes to an individual’s shape or height—this can be seen when a person appears shorter even though there has been no underlying height loss due to bone shrinkage related to scoliosis itself.

For those who experience pain or discomfort due to scoliosis and are looking for solutions beyond braces or back supports then physical therapy may provide some relief. By strengthening weak muscles within the core area as well as performing stretches & positions which allow for optimal spinal alignment, physical therapy may improve posture causing an individual with scoliosis looks noticeably taller than before embarking on this type of treatment program.

In conclusion, while it may appear that someone with severe cases of scoliosis might become shorter by virtue of their curvature alone, this is often not so – instead what you are likely seeing is merely a change in posture due tight muscular tension around the spine caused by advanced stages of this condition which makes them look shorter than they actually are. That being said, rehabilitative treatments (such as physical therapy) are available for people with more severe forms of scoliosis which can help improve overall posture resulting in potentially more stature than ever before!

Are there any complications associated with scoliosis?

Many people are unfamiliar with the medical condition of scoliosis and may not realize there are a few complications associated with it. Scoliosis occurs when a person’s spine is abnormally curved to one side, resulting in an “S” or “C” shape. It can cause a person to experience back pain and lead to difficulty breathing due to compression of the lungs. It affects 2-3 percent of the population, and is more common in young girls.

The most significant complication associated with scoliosis is skeletal asymmetry or uneven limbs. The person’s structural body shape can be evenly askew, making it difficult to perform everyday activities such as standing up straight or having good posture. Other physical side effects include stiffness, fatigue and weakness in some muscles since the curvature of the spine will zigzag across several vertebrae and in turn, destabilize the spine even more leading to further muscular issues.

Scoliosis can also have secondary adverse impacts on psychological wellbeing. Its visible outward presence could cause people affected by this condition to feel ashamed or embarrassed; inflict feelings of low self-esteem; which could leaidingnd to social isolation from peers and a feeling of inadequacy compared to other people their age. As such, scoliosis should not be taken lightly and anyone who suspects they have it should consult with their physician right away for proper diagnosis and treatment methods that can help manage symptoms before they worsen or lead influence their quality of life adversely.

Does scoliosis cause any pain?

Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves in an abnormal shape. It's estimated that around three percent of the population suffers from it and most people don't experience many negative side-effects or pain. However, depending on the severity of the condition, pain can be one of its symptoms.

It's important to note that symptoms can vary widely between people with scoliosis and the amount of pain that someone experiences may not be indicative of their condition’s severity. Severe cases may be painful, but mild cases may not cause any discomfort at all. Mild curves are usually monitored regularly by a doctor and do not usually require additional treatment other than monitoring for changes over time. On the other hand, more severe curves may require more aggressive treatment to reduce spinal curve progression, such as physical therapy and exercises designed to improve posture or regular check-ins with a doctor or specialist.

When it comes to scoliosis, some people may experience extreme pain associated with the condition which can disrupt daily life and cause difficulty in sleeping, sitting for long periods of time or participating in activity or sports. Pain caused by scoliosis can range from mild discomfort to severe feelings of stiffness and burning sensations. In most cases, however, treatment is available and effective in reducing or eliminating any discomfort a person may feel due to their curvature of the spine. Usually pain medications, stretching exercises and other wellness strategies help relieve any discomfort caused by scoliosis while physical manipulation by specialists can also assist in keeping curvature at bay when necessary.

Is scoliosis congenital or acquired?

Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal disorder affecting the spine, characterized by an abnormal curve in the spine. A common question among those effected by scoliosis or curious about it is whether it is congenital – or inborn – or acquired through life.

Approximately 10-15 percent of scoliosis cases are said to be congenital, which suggests that babies are born with this condition. These cases are often associated with other genetic conditions affecting the body, ribs or organs. In particular, those born with curves greater than 30 degrees may have underlying defects such as dysplasia, syndromes and asymmetry of the vertebral bodies.

The rest of scoliosis cases are acquired throughout life either through trauma, muscular and joint problems due to work related injuries; degenerative changes; and even unknown reasons for which doctors cannot find a cause for the condition’s development. It’s important to note that some cases may develop over time from an undiagnosed congenital cause, meaning that in some cases you can develop a curvature from an existing uncorrected birth defect over time.

No matter the cause of the scoliosis—congenital or acquired—it’s important to get educated about it, get examined and if required follow up with treatment for this condition as early as possible for better outcomes and improved quality of life.

Phoebe van Oostveen

Senior Writer

Phoebe van Oostveen is a writer and content creator with a passion for travel, food, and fashion. She has lived in several countries and loves to explore new cultures through her travels. Phoebe is also an avid cook and enjoys experimenting with different ingredients in her kitchen.