Should I Elevate My Legs after Sclerotherapy?


Posted Jan 19, 2023

Reads 69

Person Holding Brown Wooden Rolling Pin
Credit:, Person Holding Brown Wooden Rolling Pin

When it comes to leg health and wellness, sclerotherapy can be a great option for treating veins. But after undergoing this treatment, many people wonder: should I elevate my legs after sclerotherapy? The answer is a resounding yes! There are multiple benefits to elevating your legs post-sclerotherapy, both immediate and long-term.

Elevating your legs after sclerotherapy can help reduce swelling and discomfort immediately following the procedure. By resting your legs in an elevated position, it allows the injections you received to settle into place while reducing any inflammation associated with the injections. Doing this also helps reduce the risk of post-injection bruising.

Additionally, by elevating your legs after sclerotherapy you’re helping increase blood circulation throughout the treated area. This increased circulation helps clear away any pooled blood in the tissue as well as improves your overall healing process—thus making it more likely that you’ll achieve optimal results from your treatment. In addition to helping with swelling, improved circulation also helps enable proper drainage of injected substances for more proper treatment results without various complications during recovery.

If you’re looking to get the most out of your sclerotherapy experience and ensure maximum healing following treatment elevating your legs is essential! A simple way to ensure proper elevation is to use pillows or recline chairs at home when possible so as not to strain yourself further; additionally if available elevate a bed frame as that promotes better circulation of blood throughout the lower body during sleeping hours. Additionally utilizing some leg exercises previously recommended by your doctor can help completely optimize this process and allow you regenerate health in those veins—comfortably!

Is it beneficial to elevate my legs after sclerotherapy?

Is it beneficial to elevate your legs after sclerotherapy? This question is often asked by those considering treatment for their varicose veins. The answer is an emphatic yes! Elevating your legs after sclerotherapy can help ensure that the treatment is effective, minimize the risks associated with the procedure, and even reduce the length of your recovery period.

Elevating your legs helps maximize the effectiveness of tissue changes induced by sclerotherapy. As the scarring on the walls of your veins becomes stronger, it acts to narrow and eventually close off those veins. That’s why it is important to not just have an elevated leg position during and immediately after treatment, but also during follow up visits as recommended by your physician – because that pressure gradient created in tissue helps ensure maximum efficacy of the treatment.

The compression of veins and arteries when you elevate your legs also minimizes the common side effects like bruising and discomfort because it helps keep fluids away from your skin layers. When combined with using medicated compressions socks and wraps, elevating your legs can effectively help facilitate a more comfortable recovery process after sclerotherapy treatments.

Finally, elevation can significantly reduce total downtime from this type of treatment as compared to other vein treatments. During recovery, lying flat or slouching can put undo stress on newly treated veins - so be sure to stay upright or in an elevated position for a few days after to ensure that healing takes place as quickly as possible. All in all, elevated leg positioning does not cause any harm - so why not give yourself every edge?

How long should I keep my legs elevated after sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment for varicose and spider veins, but post-treatment care is essential for successful results. Keeping your legs elevated is one of these steps, so the question becomes how long should you keep your legs elevated after sclerotherapy?

In general, it’s best to keep your legs elevated as much as possible for the first 48 hours following sclerotherapy treatment. This reduces inflammation and swelling, while promoting proper circulation. To get the greatest benefit, try to lay down with your feet higher than your heart and stay off them whenever you can. If you know ahead of time that sitting or standing is necessary during that time period, elevate your feet on a 30-45 degree angle at least every 30 minutes–you can even use a stack of books to prop them up during extended sitting periods.

After those initial 48 hours have passed, you should continue to schedule regular daily elevation sessions (20 minutes minimum) 2-3 times per day for the following week. This helps promote healing from the procedure. As this practice becomes more natural to you, it will eventually become easier to remember and do without having to set a reminder or clock each time.

Elevating your legs after sclerotherapy is one important part of restoring healthfulness to them and promoting body healing in general–it’s important to this end that you follow your doctor’s orders closely when it comes to post-treatment care.

How often should I perform sclerotherapy?

When considering sclerotherapy – the medical procedure used to treat varicose veins and spider veins – it is important to look at how often the procedure should be performed in order to achieve desired results. Generally, if additional treatments are not required, one session may be enough. However, subsequent courses of sclerotherapy may be recommended if after several weeks there is no visible change or if only a minor improvement has been made.

The frequency of sclerotherapy sessions depends largely on an individual’s condition. Some people will find that additional treatments are required due to extensive, severe symptoms or their response to previous treatments. Many specialists believe that when treating relatively small surface areas with minimal visible spider veins, two or three treatments can typically produce good results. If the area being treated is larger or more severe, then more treatments may be necessary.

Generally speaking, with each treatment session lasting between 30 minutes and an hour, and no set time period between sessions being necessary in most instances, it is usually easy and convenient for practitioners and patients alike to schedule multiple treatment sessions on a case by case basis to tackle problematic areas. In addition, before undergoing any sclerotherapy procedures you should always consult a specialist who will advise you regarding how often the procedure should be performed in your particular case.

Is there anything else I should do after sclerotherapy to ensure the best possible outcome?

When it comes to a successful sclerotherapy outcome, it’s essential to prioritize both pre-treatment and post-treatment care. Although the procedure itself is relatively straightforward, it’s what you do during your recovery period that will make all the difference. Here are a few tips for maximizing your sclerotherapy success:

First, wear compression hose or socks for the remainder of your treatment course, as prescribed by your doctor. This will keep all of the medications active on your veins as long as needed. Additionally, avoid hot baths and takeaways and any activities that require excessive leg strain or heat during this time.

Second, after your sclerotherapy session be sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest to keep your veins in check. Drinking plenty of fluids helps keep occlusive therapies in place by flushing out any toxins that can put additional pressure onto the veins. A balanced diet is even more important at this time so make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and cut back on fat intake if needed.

Finally, add some light exercise into your post-sclerotherapy routine like walking or swimming to help aid blood circulation in the legs when you begin feeling more comfortable again. Moving around also encourages lymphatic drainage which helps with general discomfort as well as reducing inflammation associated with sclerotherapy treatments.

With these practices in place, we hope you find success after every sclerotherapy session!

Is there anything I should avoid doing directly after sclerotherapy?

The answer to this question is an unequivocal yes. Following sclerotherapy, a minimally invasive procedure used to treat spider and varicose veins, there are several things you should avoid doing in order to protect your skin and the results of the procedure.

It’s important to recognize that while the injection of a solution into the vein will decrease its appearance, it won’t be completely gone after just one treatment. In that sense, it is important to avoid any strenuous activities that would be likely to increase pressure on the veins and negate any potential benefit from the sclerotherapy. This includes things like strenuous exercise or long standing periods for at least 3-4 days following treatment. It is also advisable to avoid hot baths/showers as well as swims in public pools or salty water for up to 10 days following sclerotherapy.

In addition to avoiding activities which could cause adverse affects following a sclerotherapy procedure, you should always follow up with your doctor regarding protective measures such as compression hosiery or bandages depending on the area which was treated. Additionally, protective clothing such as sunglasses or hats can help protect your skin from strong UV rays which can cause discoloration and pigmentation in healed areas around spider veins during healing.

By doing these simple procedures you can ensure that you wil get maximum benefit from your sclerotherapy treatment and that it will look great when fully healed!

Phoebe van Oostveen

Senior Writer

Phoebe van Oostveen is a writer and content creator with a passion for travel, food, and fashion. She has lived in several countries and loves to explore new cultures through her travels. Phoebe is also an avid cook and enjoys experimenting with different ingredients in her kitchen.