Which Denture Goes in First Top or Bottom?


Posted Feb 2, 2023

Reads 52

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Dentures are one of the most common ways to replace missing teeth, with both an upper and lower set typically needed to restore full functionality. But many people may not know which denture goes in first - top or bottom? What is the correct way to put them in?

The correct way to put a set of dentures in place is to start with the bottom denture first, then place the top denture on top. This is because the upper denture helps anchor the lower denture and ensure that it stays in place. If you go ahead and put the upper denture in first, then it will have no support when you try to insert the bottom one, making it difficult for you to get it into a proper position.

When you are placing both sets of dentures together for the first time, it is important that you keep your mouth open wide enough so that you can make sure your teeth fit comfortably against each other. It may also be useful to try out some different biting patterns with your new teeth until you find what feels most comfortable for you. After allowing both sets of dentures to settle in, adjust them uniformly so they are even on both sides of your mouth. To make sure they stay properly positioned while they are settling into place and over time, use dental adhesive such as dental cream or dental pastes at least once a day when putting your dentures into position.

Overall, when inserting a set of new dentures we recommend that you start by putting in the bottom teeth first and then adding the top set on top for maximum security. Once correctly placed within your mouth, investigate different chewing patterns and adjust them evenly across your face until comfortable before adding any extra adhesives that may help secure their position over time.

What is the proper order for inserting dentures?

Inserting dentures is a common dental procedure performed by dentists, but many people do not know the correct order of procedures. It is important to get the insertion process right so that your dentures fit properly and are comfortable to wear. Here is a step-by-step guide on the proper order for inserting dentures:

First, you should make sure your mouth is clean and dry before getting started. It is important to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth for best results. Also, be sure to rinse out your mouth with water before proceeding to the next step.

The next step in inserting dentures is to place the false upper plate over your upper gums. This should fit snugly but should not cause any type of discomfort or pain. You can adjust this plate as you go along if needed in order to make sure that it fits properly and securely in place.

Afterwards, it’s time to place the lower plate or bridge into position. With the lower plate in place, you will again want to make sure it is fitted snugly but comfortably into your mouth and gums. After you are certain it fits right, press down gently on each side of the bridge until it feels secure enough that it isn't going to come loose when you're speaking or eating normally.

Finally, once both plates are secure and fitted properly in your mouth, use dental adhesive or some other bonding material to help hold them tight until they naturally stick inside your mouth within a few days after insertion. This will ensure that they stay snugly in place for a long period of time without needing further adjustment or adhesion assistance from a dentist.

When done correctly, this procedure should result in a proper fitting pair of dentures that will feel comfortable and natural inside your mouth whenever needed. Be sure to follow these steps closely when going through the process of inserting dentures for best results!

Is it best to insert top dentures before bottom dentures?

Inserting top dentures before bottom dentures can be an important decision that has to be made during the dental restoration process. When it comes to restoring a full set of teeth, it’s important to consider the advantages and disadvantages between inserting top and bottom dentures.

On one hand, upper dentures are typically easier to fit as they can be adjusted to properly fit with minimal effort and follow up visits. Generally, they do not require much alteration because their shape and size is easier to change than lower dentures. Also, unlike lower dentures, upper dentures do not need significant bone structure or gum ridges for proper fitting because these areas are generally unaffected by tooth loss and other jaw problems. Not having the requirement for more bone structure in place for the upper denture to fit properly allows for a shorter treatment time compared to inserting lower denture first.

On the other hand, it might be advisable for doctors to insert bottom dentures first, since people tend to perform better oral hygiene on their top teeth rather than their lowers — thus having more healthy gums and jawbone needed for lower teeth placement. Lower teeth also have more of tendency to shift or move due having gravity pull them down over time. Therefore, if possible, placing them prior can help the dental patient have a better secure long-term outcome.

In summary, it is typically best practice for doctors insert top dentures first as this method offers a quicker implantation process; however if there are no time constraints then some doctors may decide to suggest going with bottom dentures first considering that they might benefit from improved gum health in which they can guarantee stable fitting results over time. It is ultimately patients' choice when choosing between making their upper or lower teeth restoration procedure their priority since today’s modern dental technologies offer viable options that provide painless and relatively affordable restoration procedures with successful results regardless of which type of tooth restoration is done first.

What is the sequence for fitting dentures?

Dentures are an effective and affordable way to restore the appearance and function of your smile. But knowing the process for fitting dentures can be a bit confusing at first. Luckily, it’s quite straightforward and easy to understand once you’re familiar with the steps.

The first step in fitting dentures is to take impression molds of the mouth and gums. This meticulous process usually takes several visits to the dentist over a period of time and involves having a dental tray filled with putty or paste placed over each individual tooth before being removed to capture the exact shape of your mouth area in great detail. The next step is for your dentist to create a wax model. The model is based on the impression molds taken previously and serves as a test-run for creating the actual denture appliance itself. Afterward, any necessary adjustments can be made to ensure that everything fits perfectly before being finalized.

Once your dentures are fully crafted in either acrylic or porcelain, they will also require additional fittings until they fit snugly against your gums. You may also be required to return to your dentist’s office several times in order for any necessary adjustments that are needed during this process so that you can be comfortable when wearing them outside the clinic at all times.

Overall, fitting dentures involves taking impressions of your mouth, creating a wax model, crafting the denture appliance itself based on this model, and then making any necessary adjustments until it fits snugly against your gums without any issues. With this knowledge up hand you're now more prepared than ever when it comes time for you to get fitted for everything from partial-dentures all the way up through full sets!

Should dentures be secured from the top or the bottom first?

Dentures are often a necessary dental care solution for the elderly and those with significant dental health concerns. Security is key when it comes to dentures, as they’re an essential addition to the wearer’s mouth. Attaching them properly is one of the most important considerations when wearing dentures; should you secure them from the top or bottom first?

The answer depends on whether you’re wearing full dentures or partial dentures. Full denture wearers should attach their upper and lower pieces separately, starting from the top first and then the bottom. This will prevent shifting in between upper and lower pieces due to poor fit or Gum irritation. Partial denture wearers have more of an option – they can either secure both pieces simultaneously, or start from either top or bottom first. If your partial denture has little to no suction, it may be best to start with securing it at the top first as this will be less likely to slip during wear. Obviously anyone can choose whichever method they feel comfortable with, but one general rule would be that if you’re not sure which way to go with securing your partials - start from the top!

Overall, while it is usually best practice to secure your dentures from the top first (for both upper and lower), it ultimately varies based on personal preference and how fitting your set of chunks are in terms of suction and fit on your gums. The important thing is making sure that you have secured your set correctly so that lasts longer and keeps them comfortable for hours on end!

Should top or bottom dentures be placed inside the mouth first?

For anyone considering getting dentures, top or bottom, it is important to understand the proper protocol for placing them in the mouth. The wrong placement of dentures can lead to gum discomfort, or even further problems with speaking and eating. So what is the answer to the question: should top or bottom dentures be placed inside the mouth first?

If getting top dentures, it is beneficial to start by putting the lower ones in first. If done this way it enables people to be more aware of any potential problems like fit issues. Placing the upper set should come second since there will typically be more clearance between them and the roof of the mouth. On that note, even though it appears counterintuitive, if someone has only had lower ones they should still start with them first. This will help ensure that their gums get used to wearing dentures before trying out a new set of upper ones.

When wearing the dentures for any length of time, it is recommended that those with upper and lower teeth take out both sets and clean them either daily or after every meal. This helps keep bacteria away and maximize oral hygiene. All in all, whether you are getting top or bottom dentures, they should always be put in according to this ordering: lower set first followed by upper set second. Following these steps can help ensure comfort as well as a successful transition into lifelong wearability of your new smile!

Which dentures should be inserted first, upper or lower?

When considering which dentures should be inserted first, upper or lower, the answer may not be as straightforward as expected. Much of it can depend on the type of dentures you’re inserting and what your individual needs are.

For standard same-day dentures or removable partial dentures, the lower denture will usually be inserted first. It is much easier to insert a lower set of dentures than an upper set for any given patient because the ridge of the lower jaw is usually broader than that in the upper jaw. Additionally, when wearing full immediate dentures, more tissue stability can be created in the lower jaw due to forming a seal with the hard palate in the roof of the mouth. This creates an adequate foundation in order for a secure fit and placement of the upper set of dentures when done last.

However, if you require a higher level of stability for your upper set of dentures, such as an overdenture supported by implants or a hybrid partial placed over two implants that stabilize one arch with only one implant necessary to restore the other arch, then it would make sense to do your upper set first and add support to your existing bone structure while preserving what remains underneath so you don’t create additional tissue loss.

Overall, when deciding which dentures should be inserted first it’s important to consider what type of restorative appliance you’ll be placing and how much stability it requires - all while being tailored specifically to your individual needs. An experienced dentist or prosthodontist can help guide you through each step and provide advice that best suits your particular situation.

Melvin Schulte

Lead Writer

Melvin Schulte is an experienced writer who has a passion for sharing his knowledge with others. He has written on various topics, including technology, business, and lifestyle. His articles are informative and engaging, and he always strives to provide valuable insights that readers can apply in their daily lives.